Settore del petrolio e gas

Ottimizzare le risorse e ottenere un migliore controllo dei progetti a livello globale, tracciando nuovi percorsi attraverso la diversificazione.


Le aziende del settore petrolifero ottengono un aumento della produttività del 22% con IFS

Scoprite come IFS facilita la trasformazione digitale nel settore del petrolio e gas

Con IFS, le aziende petrolifere e del gas di tutto il mondo si stanno trasformando digitalmente per raggiungere il successo aziendale e migliorare l’efficienza operativa, soddisfacendo al contempo gli obiettivi di sostenibilità, la gestione avanzata delle prestazioni delle risorse, la gestione delle catene di approvvigionamento e garantendo la salute e la sicurezza dei dipendenti.


Le aziende globali del settore di petrolio e gas ottimizzano le risorse mobili con IFS

Soluzioni aziendali progettate specificamente per le aziende del settore energetico che possiedono e gestiscono complesse risorse mobili in ambiente onshore e offshore. Scoprite come IFS Cloud può migliorare l’efficienza e aumentare la redditività.

Integrate e ottimizzate le operazioni globali di petrolio e gas

Semplificate e ottimizzate le operazioni e migliorate le prestazioni aziendali collegando i processi e i dati aziendali dal campo alla finanza.

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Ecco cosa dicono i clienti

Solutions and Capabilities for Oil and Gas

  • Oil and Gas EAM Software

    Oil and gas companies manage complex systems and processes. They need to define assets, manage materials and inventory, monitor asset availability and handle documentation. Oil and gas EAM software can assist your business to plan and optimize processes, track performance and provide analytics and reporting.

    IFS provides oil and gas EAM software that helps you boost asset availability and reliability. Our EAM solution for oil and gas companies can manage data collection, provide insights, control and stability, helping you to optimize the quality and utilization of your assets, offering increased productivity and enhanced shareholder value.

  • Oil and Gas ERP

    The oil and gas industry can be very complex and requires the accurate and efficient management of several processes and workflows. There are always increasing demands and the need to comply with both internal and external factors. Coupled with the increasing need for innovative energy products in the market, it can very quickly become a difficult task to manage all the intricacies of a successful business within this industry sector.

    Oil and gas ERP software can support functions including manufacturing, operations, project management, finance, inventory, supply chain, asset management, production, suppliers, distributors and customers helping ensure both growth and profitability.

    IFS provides oil and gas ERP software and enterprise solutions that will help your business increase efficiency and profitability regardless of external factors.  

  • Upstream Oil and Gas Software
    Upstream oil and gas companies need to manage their business from the field through the back office and beyond. They are under pressure to maximize the value of their assets and lower operating expenses. Upstream operators are seeking ways to digitalize their oil fields through automation while improving efficiencies.

    IFS provides oil and gas production, accounting, land management, and geospatial information software to help optimize business processes and performance with solutions designed for the upstream oil and gas sector.

Soluzioni per l'industria del petrolio e del gas


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