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Macro Integration

Macro Integration Services handles growth, service contracts with IFS Field Service Management™️

Macro Integration Services provides deployment, systems integration, and maintenance services to multi-site retailers nationwide. The company in 2017 selected IFS Field Service Management™️ as its new system of record providing a single system for all inventory, project, maintenance and support information. To implement IFS Field Service Management, Macro partnered with Gogh Solutions, a Montreal-based IFS services partner.

Macro Integration Services provides premier retail and grocery chains with quality deployment, integration and maintenance services. In selecting and implementing IFS Field Service Management, Macro was trying to solve one of the best problems a business can have—rapid growth. To learn more read the customer case study.

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"IFS is the system of record for costs for service, parts and project costing. QuickBooks is our financial system of record. All of the revenue is flowing in from accounts receivable in QuickBooks. IFS Field Service Management is not a financial system, and compliments our current operations."

Mike Senn

Director of Business Development, Macro Integration Services

About Macro Integration Services

Macro Integration Services provides premier retail and grocery chains with quality deployment, integration and maintenance services. The Macro approach is different. Each customer has a dedicated team of solution managers, relationship managers, and courteous and professional engineers. The team of professionals are 100 percent committed to work within the customer’s budget, schedule and scope of work. For Macro, it’s the people that make the difference.

Benefits seen using IFS

  • Standardized projectmanagement
  • Robust multi-site inventory management, parts logistics and returns management
  • Contract and warranty management for advanced servitization

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