7 Considerations for a successful maxi-merlin replacement

With the advent of innovative technologies and new opportunities for business process optimization, airlines operating in a legacy maintenance environment are faced with a compelling, but difficult choice.

Do they continue to invest heavily in conventional MRO software solutions that are familiar to the organization but inflexible and unresponsive to changing operating environments? Or does the business case exist to make the move to a new, best-of-breed solution that has been specifically designed to address the modern business challenges facing today’s airlines?

Replacing legacy systems provides an opportunity for aviation maintenance organizations to streamline processes and adopt a new business model. IFS Maintenix helps maintenance organizations streamline the migration process and successfully integrate the modern technologies and processes required in today’s marketplace.

IFS Maintenix enables maintenance organizations to maintain compliance and serviceable aircraft, and is unique in its ability to:

  • Optimize the maintenance business
  • Reduce the cost of compliance
  • Handle the complexities of next-generation Aircraft

This white paper is designed for organizations looking to replace their existing Maxi-Merlin system with an MRO solution that is optimized for the modern maintenance organization.
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