Covalent Systems Limited



Covalent Systems was founded in 2018 from a desire to enhance the user experience of IFS Applications by utilising the latest cloud technology and integration techniques combined with our detailed functional and technical knowledge of IFS.

Covalent now offer the following services:


  • Reselling and upgrading IFS Applications
  • Programme & Project management 
  • IFS Functional & Technical consulting
  • IFS Development & Configuration
  • IFS hosting and DBA services
  • AMS Support 24x7
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Off the shelf suite of integrations to IFS from best of breed 3rd party applications
  • Digital eCommerce
  • Digital eSignature and workflow
  • Marketing Integrations
  • Health & Safety & Work Order mobile Apps
  • Microsoft integration suite configuration including Logic Apps, Service Bus, and Azure Functions

Our aim is to become the go-to system integrator of IFS Applications. We are a one stop shop of all skills needed to host, implement, integrate, upgrade and support IFS over the product lifecycle.

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