Improve worker and community safety while achieving greater asset uptime with mobile workforce management solutions from IFS.
Why do you need IFS Mobile Workforce Management?
Increase mobile worker productivity and safety. Reduce travel times. Eliminate paper and inefficient processes. Gain real time visibility for rapid response, agility and resolution. Achieve SLAs, reduce penalties and ensure compliance.
Recognized as a leading Mobile Workforce Management solution
IFS is positioned in the Leaders Category in the IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Field Service Managemement for Utilities 2023 – 2024 and continues to gain IFS recognition by leading industry analysts.
Fortis BC Inc. increases safety and streamlines business processes
Fortis BC Inc. deployed IFS MWM to maintain their meter network and dispatch crews for routine and emergency responses. Fully informed workers have real-time access to critical information for their jobs and instant access to office operations staff.
IFS Mobile Workforce Management
Unify your operations across your back office, dispatch centers and workers in the field to deliver business value; extending asset lifetimes, reducing outages, ensuring worker safety and regulatory compliance while minimizing operating costs.
Real-time planning and management of asset installations
Measure, plan and manage complex asset installation projects against targets across the lifecycle of your project. For successful outcomes, leverage industry-based, best-practice configurable templates with mobile workflows for asset installations.
Safeguarding field workers and managing your fleet
Ensuring the safety of field workers and vehicles is essential. Knowing where your workers and assets are, where they’ve been, and how your fleet is operating, with real-time tracking, allows you to respond quickly to emergencies too.