Strengthen defense supply chains with data and technologies

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IFS and Lockheed Martin have joined forces to help defense departments accelerate supply chain transformation end to end. Together, the two companies provide everything needed to build supply chain resilience and ensure that air, land, and sea platforms can be trusted to perform at the Moment of Service™. IFS provides  the advanced, highly configurable tools and technologies, and Lockheed Martin brings the understanding of defense operational constructs and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) expertise required to tailor the tools and technologies for maximum advantage. The collaboration between the two companies gives defense departments an unparalleled combination of industry experience and technical know-how. 

For defense organizations evaluating integrated technology platforms, there are three critical capabilities to look for:

  • AI and predictive analytics that accelerate problem detection
  • Simulation modeling that enables proactive problem prevention
  • Real-time monitoring that connects supply and demand

Download the IFS whitepaper co-authored by IFS and Lockheed Martin for more insights. 

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